You will be captivated, right from the beginning

“I want to share how proud I am of my daughter, Sheryll. I know her as a wife to Tim, a mother to Hannah and Jessica, a grandmother to Hadley, and friend to many. I also know that she has always wanted to write, “maybe, one day.” After many challenges, that day is here for my Sheryll. I know this is a mother’s testimonial, but if you read one of her novellas, you will be captivated, right from the beginning. Her characters will draw you into their lives, and make you wish they were your friends. I get to read her stories before anyone else, and can tell you that every one of them is full of surprises. I am twenty stories in and I can’t believe where the characters have taken me. This avid reader predicts that Sheryll O’Brien will become your favorite author. She’s mine.”

~ Ruth Bodreau


Sheryll O’Brien is a True Storyteller


“I am one of the lucky ones!”