A civil war in Southeast Asia — battle lines in homes of America. Welcome to the 1960s when American youth were getting killed in the jungles of Vietnam and on streets and college campuses across America. Whether in opposition to or support of being part of someone else’s war; the tumult of passions banged hard against the backdrop of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Suzanne Fielding and Nick Salmonsen shared space as the 60s became the 70s; she as an impressionable young woman, he as a respected journalist committed to telling the real story of their generation. Part of their story gets told at Woodstock; most of their story doesn’t get told at all. What happens when their eighteen-year-old daughter loses a parent and forces the other to tell the story of their lives? What happens when she finds out who her parents were — who they really were? Find out as you read the incredible story of Suzanne.