19. Not More Than I Can Handle

The penny dropped. 

God has been answering my prayer. I used to think He has way more important things in His day to day than to be micromanaging the comings and goings of Sheryll O’Brien – but I’ve changed my tune a bit. In fact, I think God has been in lock step with me this entire time.


I could not handle leaving Tim and our girls without letters that needed to be written.

I could not handle leaving my mom, brother, and sister without conversations they needed as much as I did.

I could not handle leaving Hadley without a care package of things that will fill her time and remind her of me.

I could not handle traveling this road without the care and support of my doctor, my hospice team, my sisters-in-law, and my bestie.

I could not handle leaving my work unfinished or thanking the women who put me and my books front and center with polish and panache.

I could not handle leaving before I met Father Cool. If I had, I would have missed the unspoken assurances that God was hearing my prayer and He was answering it — and that I’d find that truth along the way.


I know that now. I know it because I am handling every bit of this journey — and along the way, I am being blessed with enough time to enjoy this season with the people I cherish most in the world. 

With God by my side — there is nothing I can’t handle.


God is Good. God is Great. And I love Him.


20. Twelve Days Before Christmas: Part 1 - The First Six Days


18. My Bestie and My Doctor